Budget 2023 has now been announced and includes a range of “cost of living” supports. These are welcomed but it may still be a challenging winter with energy prices not stabilising. That’s why it’s important to look at additional ways that we can reduce our energy consumption over the coming months and save on our bills. There’s lots of little things we can do and you can also save on home insurance costs with the right policy.
As far as possible buy and use energy efficient appliances. These include everything from your fridge and freezer to your washing machine and dishwasher. But it also includes smaller items such as your toaster and kettle. One of the easiest changes to make is switching light bulbs. LED bulbs give out the same light but use less electricity so are a quick and easy appliance to change.
A very easy way of reducing your heating costs is by turning your thermostat down. Even 1 degree over the course of the winter will mount up. Depending on your system you may be able to have different rooms at different temperatures e.g., hallways can be lower than living spaces. If possible, use timers to control when the heating is on and off. In tandem with heating is ensuring your home is insulated and draft free. Even a draft excluder at the front door can help keep chills away.
This is probably the room in the house that you can save most energy in. Both of the above for appliances and heating apply. In fact, a lot of kitchens may not need extra heat as cooking can heat them sufficiently. This is where we go back to what our mothers told us years ago, only boil as much water as you need in the kettle and don’t leave the fridge door open. Think about how you are cooking your food too. Using the microwave or air fryer can be far more efficient than heating up the oven.
Stand By
Leaving appliances on stand-by is a habit that most people do. It probably stems from the fact we live in such a technology-friendly and digital world. It is often not realised that there is still energy consumption when appliances are on stand-by. Turning off your appliances at the wall won’t cut your power bill in half, but it will certainly contribute to how you can conserve energy and save on electricity. This applies not just to TVs but to smaller appliances like kettles and toasters as well as chargers.
DDM and Online
Many companies offer discounts if you select to use them for both electricity and gas. You might also be able to avail of special offers if you opt to receive your bills electronically and pay them by DDM.
Don’t forget you may also be able to save on home insurance by having the right policy in place for your needs. There are lots of different options across the range of home and contents products. Our team of skilled and experienced advisers can help put together a plan that suits your needs, at a price that suits you pocket. Just get in touch today.
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